Digital Navigator One-on-One Computer Help
[For Adults] Monday 10:30 - 11:00am Washington Avenue Session
[For Adults] Monday 10:30 - 11:00am Washington Avenue Session
[Ages 2-6 and their Caregivers] Come on over to Bach for a fun and silly Storytime full of singing and movement. After the Storytime there will be time for free play.
[For Adults] Monday 11:30-12:00 Washington Avenue Session
[For Adults] Monday 11:30-12:00 Washington Avenue Session
[Ages 18+] The City of Albany's new Department of Neighborhood Services wants to hear from you! Please stop by the Delaware Branch to meet with Tabora Marcus, the Delaware Neighborhood Specialist.
Participate in a group of memoir writers and get feedback on your work. This is a support group for aspiring writers who want to tell their story in creative and engaging ways.
[For Adults] Monday 11:30-12:00 Washington Avenue Session
[For Ages 6 - 14] Calling all little Makers! Along with access to all of the Albany Made Lab equipment, Mini Makers will be abke to use some of our favorite Youth Services gadgets and tools.
[For ages 2+ and their caregivers] Join us for stories and songs, nursery rhymes and folktales, as well as movement activities and finger plays.
[For Adults] Please join us for a discussion led by Jordan Daniels, a Student Debt Counselor from Empire Justice Center, about how to navigate student loan repayment after three years in the COVID-19 forbearance.
[For ages 6-14] Minecraft beginners and experts: come build your world and characters in a weekly Minecraft competition with your friends at the APL Washington Ave. Branch.