Learn how to make leather from foraged fruits. This workshop is presented in partnership with the Radix center.
[For children 0-8 and their caregivers.] Spend your morning at the library enjoying tasty treats while creating a crafty gift for someone special. No registration required.
[For ages 2+ and their caregivers] Join us for stories and songs, nursery rhymes and folktales, as well as movement activities and finger plays.
Pop up movie and coffee
[For all ages] UAlbany's student branch of IEEE (Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers) will be on site to demonstrate their robotic dog, inspired by a Boston Dynamics robotic canine. Stay for its one and only backflip at 1:30!
Make an ecofriendly bird feeder out of pinecones, sun butter, and bird seed. All ages welcome!
[For Ages 8 - 14] Do your kids love tech? Learn fundamental physical principles such as polarity, contact, current, series vs. parallel and short-circuits, while ‘snapping’ together cool experiments that buzz, whistle, flash, fly, and more!